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Many programs have begun incorporating Awesim models into their simulations to provide learners a more realistic experience.  These models, which can be placed directly onto high-fidelity mannequins, allow learners to progress to a percutaneous or surgical airway during a "can't intubate, can't ventilate" scenario. 



How to write a simulation scenario

Template for creating scenarios

Scenario 1 - coming soon

Scenario 2 - coming soon

Scenario 3 - coming soon

Scenario 4 - coming soon


Do you have a suggestion for a scenario or debriefing tip?  Please send it to us.


Many programs have begun using Awesim models for teaching surgical procedures involving the neck and airway.  These models are a beautiful complement to live animal models because they are anatomically more similar to humans, and they do not require specialized instruments, facilities, personnel or ethics approval.


Disclaimer: The information posted on this website and contained in these videos is for informational and educational purposes only.  AweSim Medical does not make any representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of their content.  The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.  Always seek the advice of a qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding this content.  AweSim Medical hereby disclaims any and all liability to any party for any direct, indirect, implied, punitive, special incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of the content , which is provided as is, without warranties.  Some videos have a very small rental charge, less than a cup of coffee, to help support hosting of the website.  

How to use Awesim Models 










Neck anatomy - coming soon



Percutaneous tracheotomy vs cricothyroidotomy in children












Tracheotomy (percutaneous) using 14G angiocatheter 












Tracheotomy (percutaneous) using Enk flow modulator 












Cut-down over angiocatheter












Emergency "Slash" Tracheotomy












Formal Open Tracheostomy












Cricothyroidotomy in adults - coming soon



Balloon dilatation subglottic stenosis - coming soon

Endoscopic repair laryngeal cleft - coming soon

Endoscopic vocal cord lateralization - coming soon

Endoscopic arytenoidectomy - coming soon



Type 1 thyroplasty (medialization) - coming soon

Type 2 thyroplasty (lateralization) - coming soon

Type 3 thyroplasty (relaxation) - coming soon

Type 4 thyroplasty (stretching) - coming soon


Do you have a suggestion for an instructional video?  Please send it to us.

Trach (perc) 14G

Trach (perc) 14G

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Perc Trach vs Cric

Perc Trach vs Cric

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How To Use AweSim Models

How To Use AweSim Models

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Trach (perc) Enk

Trach (perc) Enk

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Tracheostomy (Formal)

Tracheostomy (Formal)

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Cut Down Over Catheter

Cut Down Over Catheter

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Emergency "Slash" Tracheotomy

Emergency "Slash" Tracheotomy

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Anterior cricoid split - coming soon

Thyroid ala cartilage graft harvest - coming soon

Costal cartilage graft carving - coming soon

Laryngotracheal reconstruction w/ thyroid ala graft - coming 

Laryngotracheal reconstruction w/ anterior costal cartilage graft












Laryngotracheal reconstruction w/ posterior cartilage graft 

Placing a stent (double stage) - coming soon

Cricotracheal resection - coming soon

Slide tracheoplasty - coming soon



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